Searching Within: When I was young...

I was born in Sacramento, California, on August 1, 1963.

My brother and me - Preschoolers

My brother and me - Preschoolers

9 Years old

4th grade; 9 years old; 1972

Rescue, rescue me

As a youth, my family moved around a lot. The place I most identify most with, however, is Rescue, California. I rode horses over the El Dorado Foot Hills, climbed oak trees and milked dairy goats. I enjoyed participating in 4-H and FFA activities.


Showgirl; 11 years old; Summer 1975

14 Years old

High School Freshman; 14 years old; September 1977


Riding Dusty, my favorite horse; 14 years old; June 1978

During the Fall of my sophomore year of High School, my family moved to Silverton, Oregon.

Senior in High School

High School Senior; 17 years old; Fall 1980

The Fall of my sophomore year of college, I attended a 14 week course in Farrier Science in Corvallis, Oregon.

Farrier School

College Sophomore; 19 years old; Fall 1982

At the end of my sophomore year of college, my family moved to Madison, Wisconsin.

College Senior

Senior in college; 21 years old; Fall 1984